
November 02, 2012

So yesterday, in procrastination, here’s a list of what I accomplished:

1) Changed cat litter box
2) Cleaned bedroom
3) Organized bookshelf
4) Cleaned bathroom (everything in it!)
5) Vacuumed floor
6) Changed bedsheets
7) Washed & dried blankets for my bed
8) Ran dishwasher
9) Organized my incense
10) Went and bought cupcakes for my client

Does it sound like I was procrastinating?

My room hasn’t been this clean in ages, and as I sat, after 4 hours of putzing, all I had was my empty screen–and Bean, the software I’m using to write for NaNoWriMo actually covers your entire computer screen, so it’s one big blank screen, just like an actual sheet of paper.

The funny thing that I’m learning about writing a novel, is that it isn’t what I ever imagined it would be. I’m not creating the characters. They pop up without my knowing that they’re coming. Anyways, apologies for the month of November– my posts will still be daily, but they may be at odd hours and of shorter lengths. I have 30 days to write 50,000 words, and all I got now is 695.

If you want to take a gander at my ROUGH ROUGH writing and enter into the story a bit, mosey over to my brother’s tumblr (ask me and I’ll give you the link): he’ll be posting excerpts throughout the month. I linked you to the first one!

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