category: Stone.Soup

What would you do to connect?

April 10, 2013

“I’m everybody’s favorite,” my sister spunkily proclaimed to me. I’m the oldest of 5, and my two younger sisters had driven back to my mom’s as a surprise for Easter. Aileen, the self-proclaimed favorite, enters herself into everyone’s phone as their favorite; she signs all of her cards “your favorite”; she enters “Aileen’s day” into people’s phones. I responded, “I don’t have any favorites.” “That’s not true, your favorite is… “ my sister proceeded to explain to me how everyone …

So I asked for help…

February 11, 2013

When I don’t listen, I don’t end up being eaten by a whale like Jonah. Instead, I usually end up in a car accident. Don’t ask to see my driving record: trust me on this one. Last time I had an accident, I had just ended a very important relationship. I had not one, but TWO car accidents in a period of less than 3 weeks. After my first car accident, which was about a mile from my house, I …


February 08, 2013

Our basic human need to be understood, respected, and missed when we’re gone doesn’t get satisfied easily. As a result, when genuine connection is offered, it’s often taken. ~Seth Godin

Courage & Discipline

January 24, 2013

It takes such courage and discipline to live true integrity moment to moment. Honesty and openness in the moment is achingly vulnerable. It doesn’t allow for manipulation or control, but it does allow for intimacy, love, and sometimes even magical moments of transformation.

Mirror, mirror

January 22, 2013

Thanksgiving 2008. My family went to my sister’s in Boston and I stayed home to work on my grad school and to attend youth ministry events that I had scheduled for around Thanksgiving. There was no way I was spending the holiday with my still-less-than-5-years divorced parents, 4 siblings, plus a friend or two, all staying in my sister’s home in Boston. That was too many people in a too small space. But see, I found out from my sister …