category: Stone.Soup

And I digress … from your normally scheduled reading order.

August 28, 2012

I’m forgetting stories.  Things people shared with me that I was present to, but did not write down, in an attempt to be fully present in that moment.  I love recording, for it aids in re-membering (literally) an event or an encounter.  When I record though, I do not listen as well or with the same presence. So, this trip, I sacrificed recording for the greater good of presence. I’m about to do something a bit crazy and tell you …

Concrete, part dos.

August 16, 2012

Some pictures to whet your appetite: The ladder being “fixed” The whole process, from start to finish. The process of moving the cement merits detailed exposition.  The workers (and John) shoveled the cement into buckets that we had lined up (about 8 of them); these were the same buckets Ana and I had used to hurl water.  I picked up a bucket, turned, handed it to Jen, who passed along to Ana, to the next and then the next, then, …

Another’s story…

August 15, 2012

I have to take a moment to honor Ed Shirley, a friend who died suddenly today.   Ed’s important to this blog because his story rubbed up against mine.  We were cohorts at the Franciscan Federation Annual Conference several years ago; he and I had spoken on the phone several times prior to that.  I asked/invited him to work with our Action Commissioners, as a member of an Action Circle in Austin, Texas.  We hadn’t been able to meet in person before, as I …